Health and FitnessMedical

New Age for Hair Transplant Treatment: DHI – Direct Hair Implementation

Thinning or balding hair can have such a bad infect on a person. You can get rid of these problems with hair transplant surgeries like DHI hair transplant. Because these problems can cause a loss of self-esteem, stress, and anxiety. While searching for a solution to this problem most people can make a bit rush. But you should be patient and you should search which treatment way is fit for you.

There are different types of techniques in the hair transplant treatment market such as FUT and FUE. But there is a newly emerged technique that is the best method for hair transplant treatment, called direct hair implementation as known as DHI.

With the direct hair implementation technique, patients can get 100% natural-looking results, and also, there is not a visible scar on your scalp.

The DHI hair transplant technique works with individual hair follicles like an FUE hair transplant technique. But there is a key difference between FUE and DHI. In the FUE method surgeons cut canals manually for taking hair follicles, on the other hand in the DHI method surgeons use a tool like a pen, and this tool opens canals and takes each hair follicles at the same time. In this way, there is not occur any scar on your scalp.

There is an important fact that in traditional treatment ways like FUT and FUE, the cost of hair transplantation calculating with per grafts. This part same for the DHI, but direct hair implementation – DHI needs donor hairs less than the traditional treatment ways. When we consider the no stitches, no scalpels, no visible scarring, and painless under local anesthesia and also the short recovery time, direct hair implementation – DHI method definitely one of the best options for hair transplant treatment.

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