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What Kinds of Resources Exist for Warehouse Workers?

Warehouse workers across the U.S. are in for a dangerous job.

In 2020, there were 1,176,340 injuries and illnesses that had a negative impact on workers’ job attendance.

Warehouse work is some of the most dangerous in the world. Workers have to move around a lot, operate heavy machinery, and handle heavy objects.

Despite the dangers, many workers still need workplace injury assistance. However, there are a number of resources available to workers in order to stay safe on the job. These resources include job safety procedures, workplace injury prevention tips, and help with filing for labor security.

Keep reading to learn more about the different support options warehouse workers have at their disposal.

Filing Complaints

In some cases, workers may need to file a complaint in order to get the support and assistance they need.

One option is to file a whistleblower complaint. Whistleblower protections exist for employees who report violations of certain laws, including workplace safety procedures.

Another option is a health and safety complaint. If the worker notices any notable hazards or health risks on the job, filing a complaint will usually signal an inspection from OSHA.

Compensation for Workers

Workers’ compensation (or workers comp) is a key resource for workers. This program provides benefits for employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. It can help cover medical expenses, income replacement, and other costs associated with an injury or illness.

You can also choose to pursue private legal assistance for more advanced cases of workers’ comp. There are many dedicated law professionals who handle these cases every day and can get you the compensation you need.

Safety Search

It’s also important for workers to know about the safety record of the organization where they work or plan to work.

They can search for this information by looking up the company on the OSHA website. There they can see if there have been any reports of accidents or injuries at the company.

This information may help them make a decision about whether or not to pursue warehouse jobs for that company.


OSHA also has a list of training materials on its website for workers. Employers, especially those that use forklifts, are required to make sure their employees receive proper training.

Proper training ensures workers can operate machinery safely and are aware of their workplace’s specific layout and operations.

There are also many private companies that offer training resources for workers. These will offer an OSHA-certified training certificate workers can take with them to any future jobs.

Support for Warehouse Workers

Warehouse workers have a number of resources available to them for safety, workers’ compensation, and complaints. While these resources are important, workers must also be aware of their rights and responsibilities in order to stay safe and protect themselves on the job.

Be sure to check out the rest of our education blog for more discussion on employment resources.

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