What Are The Benefits For People With Dyslexia?
Specialist dyslexia schools have many advantages that go well beyond academic benefits. All of our teachers have the ability to see dyslexic children’s learning methods and are, therefore, able to teach them. Our school has the right materials, technology, learning aids, and teaching materials to cater to the specific needs of dyslexic students.
Schools that specialize in dyslexia can accommodate students of all abilities. For instance, some students may have more severe reading/writing difficulties than others. With a one-size-fits-all approach to learning difficulties at school, it is easy to overlook the subtle differences among dyslexia types.
Every day is full of activity, and the daily environment is essential. This is a space that allows children to be themselves and not feel judged. This can lead to a decrease in self-worth and confidence for children who don’t feel at home, as opposed to the welcoming environment found in specialist dyslexia schools.
We also recognize that dyslexic children are creative and bright. This is often difficult to achieve in mainstream schools because there are too many students and not enough guidance on how to teach children who learn differently. Read Academy is where future artists, scientists, or entrepreneurs can develop their learning strategies beyond just reading, writing, and algebra.
What Homeschooling Can Do for Dyslexia-Affected Children
Homeschooling is a great option for dyslexic children. Parents of dyslexic students have an alternative choice: homeschooling. Here’s why:
- The teaching can be personalized to suit your child’s particular learning style. This includes all subject areas (reading, spelling, and composition), as well as comprehension. You may have already learned this if you’ve been homeschooling outside-of-the-box students for more time than 5 minutes. Not all kids can sit still and listen. Homeschooling any child who has dyslexia or not can be beneficial in that they can adapt their teaching methods to suit their needs.
- You don’t have to wait until your child fails to follow a certain method of instruction. Accommodation and modification can all be used for the curriculum.
- Homeschooling provides sufficient remediation to areas of weakness. Ask any parent of a dyslexic child in public school to tell them how difficult it is to be approved for such help.
- Homeschooling is a way to give meaningful accommodations bright students can learn and excel at their academic level. Your homeschooling approach to dyslexia is likely already changing. Accommodations are a wonderful way to help dyslexic kids perform at their intellectual abilities despite their reading and spelling weaknesses.
- Homeschooling is time-efficient. Kids can focus on what interests them, which leads to confidence and a love for learning.
- Homeschooling lets you plan lessons according to your own interests. The best way to learn is through interest-led learning. This is the way people naturally learn.
- With no learning difficulties, homeschooling lets you be independent of your peers and minimizes many common emotional issues that can arise from dyslexia.
- Your child can work at their own pace with resources that best suit their individual strengths. Surprisingly schools believe they are the experts on education, but teachers are often not well-versed in learning about learning differences like dyslexia.
- Homeschooling avoids rigid scheduling, standardized testing, and the practice of teaching to the test as required in public schools.
- Parents will benefit from the extra time they spend with their dyslexic child while they homeschool. They can observe their child’s interests and talents and take the time to help develop their unique gifts.