Spotify leads library overhaul on iOS and Android

The leader of music streaming platforms unveiled its quarterly results this week. It has passed 158 million Spotify Premium users and has 198 million free version users. There are therefore a total of 356 million users on the platform in 2021.
This represents an increase of 21% compared to the first quarter of 2020 on paid subscriptions. A figure is larger than the Swedish forecast. This is reflected in its profits, which amount to 23 million euros, against only 1 million last year.
And Spotify plans to bring several new features to its iOS and Android mobile application within a few weeks.
New features on the Spotify app

In a blog post, Spotify announced the upcoming arrival of a new interface on its iOS and Android application. This will arrive in the coming weeks, according to the Swedish firm.
It will make it easier for users to search for music and podcasts thanks to dynamic filters. They will then be able to access downloaded titles and albums more quickly, but also to discover new music more efficiently. Spotify says the goal is to have everything close at hand, improving sorting options. Indeed, it will soon be possible to sort your songs by alphabetical order, by artist, or by order of the last opening.
An ideal novelty when we know that nearly 500 hours of content are published every day on the streaming platform.
A new optimized interface

Another great novelty announced by Spotify: the new interface on the mobile application. This will be completely redesigned and will display album covers, but also playlists and podcasts in a more imposing way.
Users will then be able to pin up to 4 playlists or other types of content to their home grid. They will thus be able to access it more quickly. This novelty will concern both premium users and free users, says Spotify.
Other news from Spotify

The leader in music streaming has already launched several new products this year. Earlier this month, he introduced his vocal assistant “Hey Spotify” to launch a song with vocals. And a few days ago, the Swedish firm formalized its partnership with Facebook on the Project Boombox. It is a Spotify mini-player integrated into the social network platform.
In addition, Spotify is about to launch its paid subscription to podcasts. These 100% audio content have been all the rage for several months, and the platforms have noticed it. Apple unveiled its paid Podcasts + subscription at Techtodown, and Spotify is also planning to put a lot of emphasis on podcasts.
Spotify raises the prices of its plans, does this increase affect you?
If you are a Spotify Premium Apk user, we may have bad news for you. The company has decided to raise the prices of several of its plans in some parts of the world. These regions are the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. If you reside in one of these countries or areas and are subscribed to a Spotify plan, you may see a price increase on your bill for next month. It will be from April 30 when the new prices for the plans begin. We do not know the reason for the sudden price increase, although there is some good news about this rise.
If you have Spotify Duo, Spotify Student, or Spotify Family you will pay more
The company has announced price increases in Europe for 3 of the plans it currently markets. There is good news: if you are a Spotify Premium Apk user with a regular single account plan the price does not change. This is still 9.99 euros per month.
If, on the other hand, you use Spotify Duo, Spotify Student, or Spotify Family, the price of the service will start to cost a little more next month. The climb is not incredible, but it is a change that you should consider if you think that you already pay too much for the service. These are the price updates:
- Spotify Student: from 4.99 euros to 5.99 euros (1 euro increase)
- Spotify Duo: from 11.99 euros to 12.99 euros (1 euro increase)
- Spotify Familiar: from 14.99 euros to 17.99 euros (3 euros rise)
The student plan allows only one simultaneous account and represents a cost of 50% compared to the normal plan. With the new rates, these users will pay a little more. In the case of the duo account, the price increase per user is slightly lower, only 0.50 euros per month.
The family plan is the one that increases the most in price, although it may also be the one with the least increase that affects each user. This plan supports up to 6 different accounts, so if you use this plan together with 5 other people, the increase will also be only 0.50 euros per month.
We are not facing abusive increases by Spotify, but it is curious to see how every few years the price of the plans increases slightly to make them less attractive. There are more and more options on the market and these increases make users consider them.
Will Spotify prices go up in Latin America?
The source of the news tells us that, at the moment, these increases only affect the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe, but that they could soon affect other regions as well. South America or Asia are the next markets that could see an increase in Spotify Premium fees for the different plans.
If you currently have Spotify Premium -and you reside in Europe- with any of the plans that we have mentioned, you should know that as of April 30, the company will implement the new prices and you will see them reflected in the bank charge.
Latest hits for premium users only
According to rumors, Spotify could change the way it offers content very soon. At the moment, there are two types of users in the service: those who pay and those who do not. Both can listen to the same songs, as many times as they want, something that many record companies do not see well. Spotify has realized that it wants to start making money, something that according to the numbers, it has never done since it was born.
Every time you listen to a song, Spotify has to pay an amount to the record company or artist. This amount is higher than the revenue from the ad you see from time to time, which makes the company lose money. One of putting pressure on users to go premium is limiting content.
This is what the company plans to do very soon. Users who do not pay for the premium account will not be able to listen to some very successful songs that have been released. We’ll see how this works for the company, which has to find a way to make one of the best streaming music services profitable.