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One Name for One Business – Can’t be used Twice

One Company can’t operate as two companies with one name. It means one company, needs to have the more than one name in trade licnese. Apart from this, same trade licnese is not allowed to be used twice or more than one times. Same name can not ne used for two businesses. The modern and latest economy managemt syetems in Dubai, will not allow one company to operate like this. Companies can open the branches but one name can’t be used for more than one time. It shows that people can’t bluff or cheat the people in the market. It shows that government will not allow the people and companies in the market  to cheat pthers with fake names or fake identities.

Dubai Government will take the very strict measures this regard. Dubai Government will not allow any buisnesses to operate with multiple names. If he does so then he will be held liable for breaching the Law and engaging in Criminal Activities. Lawyers in Dubai are the great source to getting legal help this regard. Lawyers in United Arab Emirates especially Dubai, are well knonw for dealing in:

  • Company Setups
  • Criminal Cases
  • Police Complaints
  • Public Prosectuion Proceedings
  • Criminal Courts Activities

Therefore, just one name for one business – It can’t be used twice. But if a person or company is found using secretly or in social media then the person or the company will be held accountable. We must say that, first it should be checked with Dubai Economic Department before getting in to new business or extendig the business.

Responsibilities of an Advocate: A Discussion

The advocates in dubai hired for legal services in different fields of law. Every country has its own constitution – the law. However, an advocate is a person who has studied law, and then started practicing at a later stage. He would be working for the people who cannot win their case without taking any legal action. People hire lawyers or the advocates to fight their cases in courts. Every lawyer has different expertise, but their responsibilities are the same – client satisfaction.

The legal consultants should be supportive of their clients. Having said, they should not be judgmental. They should listen to the client’s issue with patience. After evaluating the legal case, a strategy should be devised to avoid courts. If the case is registered in courts, the verdict could be delayed because of long court procedurals.

The advocates have some responsibilities towards the courts, too. They have to maintain the court’s decorum. He shall not object or violate the rules of the court. A professional advocate will always be humble in the court. He should be talking in private to make a judgment about anything. He must not influence the court’s decision or to oppose it anywhere. Advocates should be loyal to courts. They should not represent someone who wants to get away from the case by unfair means.

When you are looking for the advocates in dubai, you should always see if he has good communication and management skills. The law degree is not enough for a lawyer. His work experience and areas of expertise should also be considered while choosing him for the legal services. Though a lawyer would do all the documentation, the client also needs to provide all the documents and the evidence against the legal case. An exemplary advocate will never withdraw from the case. He will respect the client’s case. He will give a proper disclosure to the client to make him understand the variations in the level of engagement, time to time. He should have a confident body language for his clients, else they cannot provide an effective legal solution.


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