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MEAN vs. MERN Stack Development Which one to Select For Web App Development?

If you don’t know anything about MEAN or MERN Stack Development, you would find both quite similar. But the reality is MEAN stack is a famous full stack that stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. Web apps and hybrid mobile apps are made using the MEAN stack by the developers. Moreover, MEAN is an open-source JavaScript that is best known for offering various useful tools and plugins for developers. 

Then there is MERN, another open-source full-stack that stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. With the help of MERN full stack development, you can also create web and hybrid mobile apps. Further, MERN is also known for JavaScript-based databases, frameworks, and runtime environments. 

So, if both of them offer similar features and services, then what really is the difference between MEAN and MERN?


Angular JS is already well-known for its MVC architecture. At the same time, MVC design is not necessary for each web app. Web apps can be optimized by the component rendering code utilizing an abstraction of a UI layer. This is where React JS comes to the spotlight, as it has the library that fits this requirement.

The main difference between both these stacks is the use of Angular JS and React JS libraries. However, you might get confused when choosing between MEAN and MERN, as both the frameworks are dedicated to UI abstraction.

Some famous brands, such as Google, use the AngularJS framework, while Facebook uses the React JS framework.

How to select one?

As mentioned above, Angular and React both organize and deliver ideal code to the UI layer components. Moreover, both these frameworks are supported by a huge knowledge bank, example codes, and tutorials.

So, if you choose the right stack, you will also need to select the popular technology stack as more and more expert developers are increasing.

Although, MEAN and MERN are encouraged by the success of Angular and React. Angular was famous before React took it over. But, according to the 2019 reports, React started getting popular, and more than 70% of developers like to build apps using React.

The primary difference between the MEAN and MERN is Angular and React. Both stacks have a favourable and unfavourable aspects. 

Learning curve

MongoDB, Express, and Node are already well documented and popular as well. In this regard, you will find no significant variation in the learning curve as it will differ from angular to react.

Here, angular is comprehensive and employs typescript and templates, which is undoubtedly a steeper angular learning curve. On the other hand, React is a library with a smaller learning curve. Also, react offers richer documentation than angular, making learning more accessible.


The profitability comparison between these stacks would reveal between React and Angular because MEAN and MERN are prevalent.

Angular delivers improved profitability as it is a complete structure. Moreover, it also offers a CLI and enhances the efficiency of designers. Also, the angular CLI makes it easier to rewrite your code. 

Third-party support

When you are working on apps at a business level, it is best to consider using third-party libraries. MEAN comes with integrated functionality for HTTP requests and back-end connections. 

Although MERN also provides other libraries with similar functions. MEAN handles plug-and-play extensions for third parties, whereas MERN requires additional settings.


The MEAN stack uses angular to update DOM (Document Object Model) which serves as the XML and HTML for document programming interface.

While the MERN Stack uses React to update the virtual DOM. That means you can code apps faster using the MERN stack development. 

Therefore, no structure can fulfil all corporate goals. So, you will need to research every feature, tailor it to the immediate development needs and choose wisely in order to achieve a better outcome and accomplish your business goals. 


When it comes to better enterprise-level apps, nothing can beat MEAN as it has complete architecture needs that are maintained.


MERN gets a simple yet most advanced UI in terms of user interaction.


React can easily handle data changes and also offers a good UI as it can create, read, update, and delete.


MEAN can easily support HTTP calls and also unites with the back-end because of AngularJS. However, enterprise-level apps also require a third party in app development.


MEAN has angular, which is great at support, while MERN’s react has the ability to improve the functionality through its supplementary libraries.

Moreover, MEAN also enhances the experience by using third-party extensions. 

Advantages of MEAN

  • Can easily develop all types of apps.
  • Offers various plugins and widgets, which comes in handy for development with strict deadlines.
  • With the help of plugins, apps can be developed at the speed of light.
  • Developers can enjoy community support because the framework is open source. 
  • Apps can be tested in real-time with built-in tools.
  • Applications can respond faster as only one language is used for backend and frontend.

Advantages of MERN

  • Only one coding script for both front-end and backend.
  • MERN can complete the whole process by JAVA and JSON.
  • MVC architecture and offer a seamless development process. 
  • Like MEAN, MERN also offers built-in tools for real-time testing of the apps.
  • Source code can be modified as the MERN stack runs on an open-source community.

Wrapping up

To this date, MERN and MEAN is the best full-stack technology that enables state-of-the-art applications to be developed. Both these stacks have increased popularity and are backed with frontier framework structures; Angular and React. Both of them are the best and current in the market. So, if you want to know more about how MEAN and MERN plays an important role, here is the blog that you can read. 

However, both these stacks are best in their own characteristics. Choosing one can be a tricky question. However, MEAN and MERN have the best features and functionality. That being said, if you want to hire a MEAN stack development company for your next project, then Groovy Web is the best choice for you.


Jennifer is very passionate about blogging, SEO, and he loves to help people in knowing the best digital solutions. She always tries to learn new and exciting things every day as the Internet gives the power to explore the whole world in a totally new and efficient way.

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