Credit cards are in every aspect of our lives. Now we make every spending and shopping through credit cards. As such, the number of credit card applications is also increasing every day. It is very important that your credit rating is good when applying for a credit card. For people with a low credit rating, there are different application channels. These people can take advantage of blocked secured credit card options…
Why Can’t Someone With A Low Credit Rating Get A Credit Card?
What Are The Banks That Issue Credit Cards To Low Credit Ratings?
Who Certainly Can’t Get A Credit Card?
How Many Credit Scores Should You Have To Get A Credit Card
What Is A Blocked Secured Credit Card?
How To Get A Blocked Secured Credit Card?
Why Can’t Someone With A Low Credit Rating Get A Credit Card?
Credit rating is very important for banks. Although someone with a zero credit rating is in the risk group, they may have the opportunity to issue a credit card depending on their working status. A zero credit rating means that the bank does not have a consumer opinion. People with a credit rating between 1 and 699 represent the riskiest group for banks. These people’s credit card applications are usually not accepted. People with a credit rating of 1 to 699 are probably made up of people who have undergone legal follow-up due to credit card debt. For this reason, banks do not look very hot to issue credit cards to these people.
What Are The Banks That Issue Credit Cards To Low Credit Ratings?
People with a low credit rating often apply for a blocked secured credit card. Because this option is one of the most logical options for raising your credit rating and getting a credit card finance.
Currently, the most popular bank that issues credit cards to people with a low credit rating is Kuwait Turk. Kuwaiti Turkish bank has the distinction of being one of the most issuing banks with blocked secured credit cards. In addition, applications for the following cards can be approved more easily than other cards:
Who Certainly Can’t Get A Credit Card?
A person under the age of 18, who has no income and whose credit card documents are not approved by their parents, can certainly not receive a credit card.
Banks that lend to low credit ratings can find detailed information on this topic in our article.
How Many Credit Scores Should You Have To Get A Credit Card
Although there is no credit rating to be determined specifically for obtaining a credit card, the credit rating is effective in the bank’s decision, since it has an opinion about the consumer. If a person’s credit rating is not formed, they can receive a credit card based on their working status. People with a credit score between 1 and 699 can apply for a blocked secured credit card. People with 700 points and above can also own a credit card based on their work status and income statements.
What Is A Blocked Secured Credit Cards?
A blocked secured credit card is a type of credit card that people with a low credit rating can apply for. Before receiving this credit card, you need to block a certain amount of money in the bank. For example, you can block $ 1000 and have a credit card with a $ 1000 limit. Using a blocked secured credit card will have a positive impact on your credit rating.
Blocked secured credit card can be done again in installments, points can be earned. The only difference from a regular credit card is that there is no minimum payment amount. You must pay all incoming debt within the month.
How To Get A Blocked Secured Credit Card?
To get a blocked secured credit card, you must go directly to the branch and apply. Your meeting here is extremely important. For a blocked secured card, you must have an amount of money that the bank will put in a blocked card.