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An Ethical Fashion Brand List

Today, we have a new, “ethical fashion” trend and it seems that it’s more than just fashionable people wearing environmentally friendly clothes; it’s a movement of people who are beginning to really care about the environment and how their clothing impacts it. With the rise in awareness, the popularity of eco-friendly clothing is steadily increasing.


So, what ethical clothing brands should you choose? Here’s a short list of ethical fashion brand lists (so far): Sustainable Fashion Brands (a great master list), Organic and Natural Clothing Brands, Green Laundry, Earth Friendly Fashion Brands.


I would like to give an honest appraisal of these ethical clothing brands, based on my own experience with them. Some of them I have used myself, some I have heard good things about but haven’t bought yet. For this purpose, I have searched for eco-friendly brands in major online stores such as eBay. In this case, I did not try to get to know the person or company behind them.


I will start by saying that if you do not know what an ethical or fair trade brand is, you probably have not found one yet. A fair trade brand is one that has been manufactured using certain ethical standards. These can range from wages, working conditions, health and safety, and environmental impact. The more ethical the company is, the more you will pay. Also, eco-friendly products tend to be a bit more expensive than traditional ones, depending on the brand, and where they are manufactured.


Some of the bigger organic and fair trade companies are: Earth Friendly International, Fair Trade USA, and Organic Clothing USA. There are other smaller brands out there, but they aren’t necessarily ethical or fair trade. If your local stores don’t carry them, you may want to look for them online, and find a brand that suits you.


The ethically-sourced clothing tends to be more expensive than those made with less ethical standards. However, they are worth the money since the end products are higher quality. Also, many of them last longer, and are better-made.


So, which are the best brands of organic and fair-trade, organic, eco-friendly clothing? Well, I believe Earth Friendly, Fair Trade USA and Organic Clothing USA.


Earth Friendly clothing is a brand I have personally tried on. It is a relatively new company with an environmentally-conscious approach to its product and production. They use sustainable cotton, recycled polyester, and recycled paper in most of their clothing lines. They also use water and energy-efficient washing machine and compost their organic waste.


Fair Trade USA also has a very environmentally-conscious approach to its product line and is committed to socially-sustainable production of its clothing. They source their fabric directly from local producers, rather than buying it from overseas factories.


In fact, if you look into Ethical clothing labels, you will see a lot of green text and pictures and statements. on the labels of their clothes.


Another Ethical brand on my list is Organic Clothing USA. also uses sustainable cotton, recycled paper and recycled polyester, and is committed to using sustainable dyes and processing methods. It also tries to utilize energy-efficient production processes.


Organic Clothing USA also has a fair-trade certificate, but it is not certified as organic, so you may want to verify that first before buying. Organic Clothing USA offers an eco-friendly product that is not labeled green, so it can’t be certified as “green”.


Fair Trade USA is actually quite a bit better than Earth Friendly. Both companies sell clothing and accessories that are not labeled as eco-friendly, and both companies use a fair-trade process for manufacturing. However, Earth Friendly does not try to use a fair-trade process, and they use much cheaper (sometimes even made from plastic) materials.


The differences between Fair Trade USA and Earth Friendly can easily be seen by comparing the prices of their clothing. and accessories. There are some major differences – Earth Friendly tends to have a more affordable price than Organic Clothing USA, and Fair Trade USA tends to be more expensive.


Fair Trade USA has a lot more variety of clothing than Earth Friendly does, and a few accessories on there as well. But, Fair Trade USA is more consistent than Earth Friendly – Fair Trade USA products tend to have better quality and last longer than Earth Friendly’s. Visit Website to know more.

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