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Kids and Teens

8 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday During COVID-19

All kids look forward to one important day of the year: their birthday. They get to celebrate their special day together with their friends, eat yummy foods, and enjoy fun games—all to celebrate their lives. However, as a parent, celebrating your child’s birthday during a lockdown or having birthday parties can largely dismay your child. 

But there are actually plenty of ways to get creative and have your kids remember the fun, no matter what you end up doing. In this article, we will share the best ways to celebrate the milestone of your little ones. Even if we are all practising “social distancing” and isolation, you can still celebrate birthdays in huge ways and even include your family and friends. 

Time will come that everything will go back to normal and we can have family and friends over for the celebration in public spaces. But for now, here are some amazing ways to celebrate birthdays at home. 

#1 Decorate Your House 

Why not put some effort into decorating your house? Create large poster boards signs, banners, balloons, streamers, or whatever you already have that’s celebratory. Just leave it longer maybe a day or two to keep the party going. You may also decorate your front yard by renting a huge sign for your kid’s birthday. Your kid will surely feel special after seeing the sign. 

#2 Have a Drive-By Party in the Neighborhood

You can coordinate with your party guests and ask them to be out on their front porch or lawns at the identified time. Decorate your car with balloons, signs, and streamers. Slowly drive by every guest’s house for waves and shouts from people who are filled with birthday love for your kid as you blast your kid’s favourite songs. 

Another option is you can request your friends and family to drive be your home waving, honking, and even blow some bubbles. If they have gifts, they can toss birthday gifts over your lawn. Make sure to locally plan the time with friends and family to parade by so you can celebrate from a secured distance. Your child should be outside to see everyone and wave back. 

#3 Go Camping 

This is a great idea if you have a back yard, but if you don’t have one, then you can use your living room to pitch a tent. If you’re doing it indoors, try to light a few candles and do some storytelling with flashlights while eating microwaved s’mores. If the weather is perfect, go outside and build a fire and roast marshmallows. You can even talk to them about their favourite birthday memories and discuss future memories you want to have together as a family. 

#4 Virtual Birthday Party 

With the help of virtual birthday parties today thanks to several kids party entertainment companies, you can organise a one-on-one video call with your kid’s favourite character such as Anna from Frozen or Spiderman from Marvel. Or you can simply gather friends and family to do a group video conference call such as Zoom or Skype. If it’s possible, ask them to have a dessert such as a cupcake, cookies, cake, or doughnuts, then everyone can sing happy birthday to your kid and eat the cake with him/her.

With hosting a video call party, you can make it more fun by doing some games with your guests. You can list items and do a “Bring Me” game where the first person who comes back to the screen with the said item from the list gets a point. 

#5 Make a Fancy Dinner at Home 

Of course, since you’re the parent, you’ll be the one to host the dinner! Send some creative invitations to everyone in your family, asking them to get really dressed up with the fanciest clothes or outfits they have. Place candles on the table, include cloth napkins and play music. It doesn’t matter if you’re just eating pizza, it’ll still feel special and fun too! 

#6 Play Old School Games 

Everybody loves the good old “pin the tail on the donkey” game, or bobbing for apples, clothes pin drop, Bozo bucket toss, and balloon bust. We’re sure that you have supplies around the house to come up with retro party games. The kids and adults inside the home will definitely enjoy every game and have a great time! 

#7 Do Different Stuff 

Why not change the usual birthday routine? Have breakfast in bed which is always a treat, then followed by a picnic lunch in the living room! For dinner, you can do outside in a tent, around a compare, or looking at the stars as you all sit in the trunk of the SUV while eating some barbecue. A change in the routine will even make you kid’s birthday a more memorable one. 

#8 Karaoke Party 

If your birthday kid is the extroverted performer type, a karaoke party with the family can be the perfect idea to have fun. You can dress him/her up into a rock star and have a big stage where your kid can feel like a superstar while the rest of the family act as fans. Aside from the fun sing-along, don’t forget to serve easy-to-eat finger foods. Pizza will always be the go-to choice for almost all kinds of kids’ parties, you can have it delivered or bake it yourself. 

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